Considering Communion
Corinthians 11:17-34 The Apostle Paul had a problem with the way the Corinthians were observing the Lord' s Supper (communion). There were divisions in the church - and each one seemed to be trying to outdo the other in showing off their superior spirituality. Each one seemed to be into their own thing to the extent that some would have plenty and to spare and others would leave empty. The same seemed to be true of the spiritual gifts. In the celebrating of the Lord' s Supper they seemed to have forgotten the significance of the whole thing. There is a danger in doing anything like that on a regular basis - it begins to be taken for granted. The Lord' s Supper is a reminder of the seriousness of sin. It is a reminds us that to get us beyond the sin question, the blood of a living sacrifice had to be shed. The slaughtering of lambs and goats was a regular part of temple worship. The sight, sound, and smell were always there. One was constantly reminded - there was always a cost involved. All those animal sacrifices looked forward to the ultimate sacrifice of God' s only Son Jesus. The bread and the juice are simply bread and juice, but they represent something of infinite cost and value - the very body and blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Even though they may not become the literal body and blood of Jesus as some of our brothers believe, they need to be His body and blood in our thinking. It is incomprehensible that the eternal God of the Universe would provide the ultimate perfect sin offering for the "whosoever wills." that aren't worth giving thought to. As you take the Lord' s Supper, consider the magnitude of the sin, the magnitude of the sacrifice, and the awesome magnitude of the love that canceled the sin with that sacrifice and presented us clean before our creator. Don' t you love Him?
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