Continual Readiness

Luke 12:35-40 "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, ... You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." verses 35 & 40. It's an unfortunate fact that children don't behave the same way when the teacher is out of the room as when she's there. They don't behave the same when parents are away as when they are there. Workmen on the job often work differently when the boss is away. We tend to drive differently when the police car with radar is present. Ever wonder why? It seems to be part of human nature and more than likely can trace it's beginning to the "fall". It's rather sad when Jesus needs to remind his own people that they need always be at a state of readiness and expectancy because we don't know the time of His return. God's children need to live in a balance between this parable and the next. This one would seem to suggest that we spend our time watching out the window in anticipation of His coming. The next indicates that we have all been given talents and responsibilities and that it's important that when He returns He finds us about His business. The Scriptures indicate that we all need to be about honesty, integrity and fairness. And that we strive to live as role models and share our faith. Beyond that He's given to various people special instructions. He will come expecting performance in proportion to what He's given to us.

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