Developing the Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:1-11. The whole idea of unity sounds pretty good but setting the grounds for that unity is not always easy. The Apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 2 finds the basis in our relationship with Christ and the attitude of Christ. The process begins with us and not the other guy. Often, we start with the idea of, "I'm being a nice guy person. How come others don't get along with me?" Paul starts with the idea that we need to search for what we have to offer that grows out of our relationship with Christ. Have you found encouragement in your relationship with Christ? Use that to minister encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Does the Love of Christ bring you comfort? Offer that comfort to one another. What about the times of precious fellowship with the Holy Spirit? Share that as you fellowship one with another. Do you feel the tenderness and compassion of Jesus in your relationship with Him? We need to realize that our brothers and sisters need to feel that kind of compassion from another human being. I believe that this is only a starter list of things we can share with one another. Notice how quickly Paul moves into our attitudes and motives. This is so important, because all too often we share, not with the idea of ministering; but with the idea of look how holy I am. People don't need to hear how wonderful we are; but how wonderful God is and how available He is in their situation. Have you ever considered that perhaps the brother or sister that always seems to get under your skin, is not really the jerk that he seems to be? Maybe he just needs to be listened to and ministered to with the things that we have drawn out of our relationship with Christ. Paul uses the example of Jesus' humility as an illustration for us. Our lostness was so great and His love was so deep that He was willing to pay the ultimate price to make it possible for us to brought to Himself. In our ministering to one another, we don't lay aside our relationship with God - only our pride.

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