Encourage One Another Daily!
Hebrews 3:12-15 There are some important key words in this passage of Scripture. The implication is that encouragement is important. People need to be built-up; they need to be urged to hold on and not to give up. The frequency is also important. We are to encourage daily, not occasionally or when we think about it, not even weekly, but every day. Because it says "one another", it means that no one is exempted from being the encourager or from needing to be encouraged. We must do this for each other. The primary purpose for all this is to avoid the natural outcome which is drifting into the condition of having a sinful and unbelieving heart. This hardening is brought about by the deceitfulness of sin. One of the more sinister areas that the enemy approaches is to slip in an invitation to a "poor me - pity party". Watch out when you begin thinking in always and never terms. "These things always happen to me." "I never get any breaks!' "Everyone always leaves me out of everything." The wedge of sin will begin to break fellowship with God - you stop trusting Him - unbelief begins to creep in. You distance yourself from other Christians. You begin to say like Job. "What I feared has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened to me." (Job 3:25). The two-pronged preventive process is this: Give and receive encouragement, and "hold firmly to the confidence we had at first."
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