Finding God's Hand

Psalm 73 & Romans 2:4 Psalm 73 describes the experience and observations of a person trying to lead a godly life. As he looks around him he sees people living in luxury, living as they please in immorality and carelessness. They never seem to have any troubles. Then he looks at himself, life itself seems to be a struggle, sometimes nothing seems to go right. He even found himself envying their condition. Trying to understand was oppressive. It wasn't until he spent some time in the sanctuary of God - by spending some real time in close fellowship with God, that he begins to get things into perspective. He discovered that things weren't at all what they had appeared to be. The wicked, if they continued in their wickedness could look forward to an end of terror and destruction. He realizes that his own life is one that is in the constant presence of God, that God hand is there to guide him. His end is in glory with God. Even though his flesh and his heart fail, it is God who is the strength of his heart and his portion forever. Romans 2:4 puts a little different spin on the same situation. His kindness is designed to lead us to repentance. By giving us what we don't deserve and not giving us what we have coming He attempts to win the lost to Himself. II Peter 3:9 says that He is not willing that any should parish but that all might come to repentance. The bottom line is that God wants to be found by us. He has no desire to see us destroyed. It is as we draw near to Him, that He draws near to us. It is as we move into His presence that we become conscious of His love and tenderness towards us. We discover that His hand is not only upon us, but that we are in His hand were no one or nothing can remove us

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