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Ephesians 4:20-24 At this time when the New Year is upon us we would do well to take note of where we are and where we are going. It seems that making New Year's resolutions usually ends up as a rather futile waste of time; but that doesn't mean that a good careful inventory of our lives is not in order. Are we were we would like to be in our relationship with Christ? Are we headed in the proper direction? Are we spending the time we should in the Word and in Prayer? Don't draw up a long list of what you are going to do. Those lists are soon set aside and forgotten. Consider, rather, revisiting your long and short-term goals. Set reasonable and doable goals, Ones that will have visible results. In our Scripture we see that we have an old self and a new self. We received the new self when we accepted Christ as Savior and Lord. We learn that our old self is corrupted by evil desires and needs to be put off. The new self is created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. The attitudes of our mind need to be made new. Much like Romans 12:2 "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." Begin to change what you think about. And the way you think about it. The task becomes easier as we change what we expose ourselves to and the amount of time that we spend in God's Word and prayer. Verses 25 and following give us some further help. We are told to stop lying to each other; be careful how we act on our anger and keep it resolved (before the sun goes down). Don't steal and don't use your tongue for unwholesome speech - build others up, don't use your tongue to tear them down. Find someone else with similar desires for making changes in their lives - work together.
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