Getting the Help, You Need
Mark 7:24-30 How do we find the help we really need. It seems like often we try everything else first before Jesus. The Scripture tells about a woman who came to Jesus. She was not a Jew, but a Canaanite. His ministry at that point had not yet been opened up to the Gentiles, and I believe that He was trying to show his disciples some important principles. Her daughter was greatly harassed by demons and she came to Jesus to try to get some relief for her daughter. He began to respond to her in the expected way, first with silence, because Jewish men didn't talk to women in public and certainly not foreign women. The disciples responded "appropriately" - send her away! Jesus told her that He was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. She would not be discouraged - she knelt before Him and again asked for help. Jesus told her that it wasn't right to throw the children's bread to the dogs. She said - even the puppies eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table." Because of her great faith Jesus answered her request. I believe that He wanted His disciples to see that even this outsider didn't take anything for granted but knew what she wanted and was willing to hang on till she got it. She loved her daughter and knew who had the only answer.
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