God Is Always on Time!

Luke 1:1-14. Wouldn't we all do it differently if we were scheduling history. It seems like God always waits until the last minute before He comes through. You see God can do that because He is God and He knows when the last minute is. If we can learn to trust Him, we can leave that last minute up to Him and be concerned about the things that He has placed in front of us. There are some things we can learn from Zechariah and Elizabeth. The most important was that they both lived uprightly before the Lord and obeyed His commandments and obligations blamelessly. They did what they knew to do - they were about the Father's business. Zechariah had been praying - the angel said he had been heard. We don't know exactly what he prayed for or how long he had been praying. Had he been praying for a son or had he prayed that God would send His messiah? We do know that God heard, and God answered. Offering incense as a priest was a once in a lifetime duty. Elizabeth was also too old to have a child. None of these obstacles stood in God' s way, because God is always on time. We all look at impossible circumstances when it comes to having our heart's desires fulfilled. Believe God for the impossible and be ready for the answer. Remember that God is always on time and nothing is too difficult for Him.

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