
On this page you will find almost 500 sermon Summaries
that have been written over the last 25 years.
I pray they will be helpful. If so feel free to pass them on.
May God receive any glory!"

Home Page

Choose letter or scroll to long connected list

A Church Prepared for Life in the Last Days
A Door to Blessing
A form of godliness won't getit!
A House Not Built with Human Hands
A Matter of Choice
A People of Courage
A People of Prayer
A Quiet Place
A Return on His Investment
A Sinner's Look at the Empty Tomb
A Time to Groom Our Attitudes
A Workman Who Is not Ashamed
Abraham believed God
Adjusting Your Perspective
Alive With Christ
Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
Anger, A Handle with Care Emotion
Are You A Chameleon Christian?
Are You Ashamed of the Gospel?
Are You Ready?
Are You Thirsty?
Are Your Spiritual Weapons Sharp?
At Just the Right Time — God Had a Plan
Attendants at Jesus Birth

Back on Course
Be Careful How You Live
Be Equipped for the Valley
Be Humble Resist the Devil
Be Imitators of God!
Be Strong in the Lord!
Be Careful How You Live
Be Equipped for the Valley
Be Humble Resist the Devil
Be Imitators of God!
Be Strong in the Lord!
Be Very Careful How You Live
Be Wise I
Be Wise II
Bear the Name
Because of His Mercy
Becoming accountable
Becoming Sanctified Saints
Becoming What He Made Us To Be
Been with Jesus?
Before the Sun Goes Down..
Behold God's Mercy
Being Equipped For the Valley
Being Rich Toward God
Being Who You Are, Where You Are
Belief & Unbelief
Believing and Confessing
Believing When You Can’t See
Believing Without Seeing
Blessed Are the Peace Makers
Blessed Assurance
Blessed is the Man Who Perseveres
Blessings Shared Multiply
Bloom where you’re planted
Bringing Your Children to Jesus
Build in Front of Your Own House
Building & Standing
By Faith We Rejoice!

Called To Be Free
Calling All Sinners!
Can God Use Me?
Celebrating the Presence of the Lord
Children Have Special Place in Jesus' Heart
Christmas, the Panorama
Clear Signals
Come Out & Be Separate
Come Unto Me
Come with Confidence
Committed to Unity & Peace
Considering Communion
Continual Readiness
Cross training
Crucified with Christ!

Dare to Do Right
Dead and Yet Alive
Dealing with Temptation
Developing the Mind of Christ
Discouragement Satan's Weapon of Opportunity
Dive in!
Do Not Be Found Sleeping!
Do You Believe That God Will Answer Your Prayer?
Do You Hunger for Righteousness?
Do you need a second chance?
Do You Realize How Much You Have Been Forgiven?
Do You Want to Get Well?
Don’t Recycle the Garbage
Don't be afraid, just believe.
Don’t Miss the Rescue
Dressed & Ready for Service

Ears to Hear
Encourage One Another Daily!
Entering God’s Rest
Equipped To Last
Even to Shepherds.
Everything You Need
Excuses, Excuses
Expecting a Harvest?
Experience Can Be a Hard Teacher

Facing Trials
Faith — a Preparation for Faith
Faith in God’ s Faithfulness
Faith That Risks Rejection
Faithfulness Calls for Faithfulness
Falling in love with God
Fan to Flames the Gift
Fatherhood from God’s perspective
Fatherly Reconciliation
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Feeling Alone.
Final Instructions
Finding God’s Hand
Finding God's Peace
Flee Evil, Pursue Righteousness!
Forgiveness is a Two-Way Street
Follow Me
For Such A Time As This
Foundations and Temples
Fresh Water in a Desert Fruit Bearing Made Easy

Getting the Help You Need
Getting Things in Order
Getting Things in Perspective
Getting Victory over Temptation
God Cares
God Expects Better of His Church
God Hears the Cries of His People
God Invades History God Is Always On Time!
God Knows
God of New Starts
God of the Possible!
God Still Rolls Away Stones
God Will Help You - He Won't Make You!
God Will Not Be Used - He is LORD!
God Works Through the Prayers of His People!
God’s Grace is Sufficient
God’s Logic Not Ours
God's Grace is Enough
God’s Grace - Our Hope
God’s Recipe
God's People Are Believing a Lot of Lies
God's Power & Wisdom — the Cross!
God’s Word Is Not Chained I
God’s Word Is Not Chained II
God's Workmanship
Godly Attitudes - A Time To Grow-up
God's plan for his people
Got Oil?
Grow Up In Your Salvation
Growing in Knowledge and Bearing Fruit
Growing Into What We Have
Guard Your Heart

Have You Counted the Cost?
Having an attitude
He Has Called Us to a Holy Life.
He is calling us to worship
He Is Worthy!
Healing Comes in Obedience
Hearing VS Heeding
Hidden From the Wise
His Resurrection Destiny
Hold On I
Hold On II
Hold On a Little Longer
How Big Do You Dare to Ask?
How Can God's People Stand?
How can I Be Free?
How Can We Love God?
How Do I Stand?
How Do You Get What You Need?
How Do You Spell Relief?
How Great is the Love of God
How Hopeless is hopeless?
How Is Your Lamp?
How Many Lives Do You Live?
How Much Have You Been Forgiven?
How to Miss Your Goal
How’ s Your Soil?
How’s Your Eyes?
How’s Your Fruit?
How's Your Heart?
Humble, Self-Controlled, and Alert

I Can Do All Things
I Go to Prepare a Place for You
I Want To See!
Identifying With Christ
If It's Only Clean Where It Shows, Is It Clean?
If My People...
If You Really Knew Me, You Would Know My Father as Well.
In Quietness and In Trust Shall Be Your Strength
In Remembrance of Me
Integrity even when It hurts
Is Anyone Thirsty?
Is Holiness What You Long For?
It is For Freedom
It is God Who Makes You Stand Firm
It Is Gods Will That We Be Sanctified
It is Time
It is Time II

Jesus Can Calm Your Storm
Jesus Christ, King of Kings
Jesus Is Always on Time
Jesus is Enough
Jesus Is the Resurrection
Jesus the Bread of Life.
Jesus the Forever Bread
Jesus the Storm Calmer
Jesus Is There In Our Hour of Need!
Jesus The Thirst Quencher
Jesus, Don't Miss the Real Thing
Jesus' Mission - the Same Today
Jesus Our Passover
Jesus Recognizes a Ready Heart
Jesus Sees You Too!
Jesus' Triumphal Entry
Jesus, More than A Babe in A Manger
Jochebed, a Mother of Faith & Bravery
Joseph, a Man of Integrity
Judge Not!
Just As You Have Received

Keep on Keeping On
Keeping the Faith
Knowing Jesus
Knowing What Surpasses Knowledge

Learn to Say No
Learning Contentment
Learning How to Hear
Learning to Live as a New Creation
Learning to Live in the Light
Learn to Say No
Learning from Paul’s Prayer
Learning to be a Child
Learning to Care
Learning to Walk in Grace
Learning To Walk in the Spirit
Leaving Spiritual Poverty Behind
Let A Man Examine Himself
Let it Rain!
Let the Church Stand Up
Let the Peace of Christ Be the Umpire of Your Life
Let the Peace of Christ Rule In Your Hearts
Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly
Let Us Live Up To What We Have Already Attained
Let Your Light Shine
Letting God Do the Building
'Lettuce' Persevere
Let Us. ...!
Life is Precious
Like A Child
Like Stars in the Universe
Live, Bear, Grow
Living A Holy Life
Live with Care
Living as New Creations
Living by Faith
Living By the Spirit
Living Fruit Filed Lives
Living in Focus
Living in the Fear of the Lord
Living in the Kingdom
Living in two worlds
Living Up to What We’ve Already Attained.
Load Bearing - A Balance.
Looking For a Few Good Men
Love at Work

Making a Clean Start
March on Jerusalem
Mary the Highly Favored
Mary’s Christmas
Meeting People Where They Are
More Than You’re Looking For
Mothers, Partners with God

Natural Instincts or the Holy Spirit?
Need a Mind Transplant?
Never Shaken
New Creation in Christ
New Wine in New Wineskins
Newness of Life
No Cross-No Christmas.
Not Ashamed
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Not by Bread Alone
Not Enough!
Not Everyone
Not Peace but Division

Obedience and Prayer
Of What Spirit Are You?
Offering the fruit of our lips
Only A Form of Godliness Won't get the Job Done!
Only Jesus Is Needed.
Open for Inspection
Open to Opportunities
Our Eyes Are on You!
Our God is an Awesome God
Our Righteousness is in Christ.
Our Way or God's Way?
Overcoming Spiritual Poverty.

Pass It On
Passing the Test
Patterns for Fathers
Paul prays for the Philippians
Peace That Guards Our Hearts
Pentecost Sunday
People with One Heart
Perfect Peace on a Level Path
Persevering Under Trial
Persistent Faith
Power For A Purpose
Praise God for the Corn
Praise the Lord!
Prayer: Attitude & Perseverance
Prayer, A Way of Life
Pray for Helpers
Praying for Results
Preparing for The Master’s Coming
Preparing God's People For Works of Service
Preparing Your Heart for God's Word
Protected From Evil
Pursue Peace
Putting Dagon In His Place
Putting It All Together
Putting on the Belt of Truth
Putting Our House in Order

Reach for the Best
Ready to Move
Real Freedom
Receive the kingdom of God as a little child
Recipe for Peace
Recipe for Spiritual Success
Recipe for Unity
Remain in the Vine
Remember Who You Belong To
Removing the Veil
Righteousness, Peace & Joy
Run with Perseverance

Salvation at Great Cost
Say No to Ungodliness
Secure in His Love
Seeing Jesus Only
Seek the Lord While He May Be Found
Seeking God's Best
Seizing Opportunities
Set Your Hearts
Set Your Mind
Set Your Heart & Mind on Things Above
Shine Like Stars in the Universe
Shouldering Responsibility
Sin Hardens the Heart
Solid Food, Righteousness, & Maturity
Some Advice from Peter
Some Iffy Certainties
Some Things Just Don't Mix
Sowing Generously
Spiritual Banking
Standing Firm
Standing In His Grace
Standing in the Midst of the Battle
Stay on Track
Staying on Target
Strength in Weakness
Strong Men - A Second Look
Submission to a Merciful God
Submission to Exaltation
Submit, Resist, and Draw Near

Take Heart
Take Up the Shield of Faith
Taking Back the Land
Taking It Back
Taking Hold of God’s Purpose
Tearing Down Strongholds with Praise
The “Ah-Ha” of the Resurrection
The Battle is the Lord’s
The Child Is King!
The Church Prays
The Church Strengthened
The Courage to Change
The Cover Sells the Book
The End Is Near
The God Who Sees
The Godly Neighbor
The Grave is Empty - Jesus is Alive!
The Grinch Has Another Name
The Harvest is Plentiful, but the Workers are Few
The Importance of Today
The King That Knew Not Joseph
The Holy Spirit and You
The Legacy of Fatherhood
The Legacy of a Godly Mother
The Liberating Power of the Truth
The Lies People Believe
The Lord's Requirements
The Mercy of God
The Mighty Hand of God
The Narrow Door - His name is Jesus!
The Perfect Church
The Place of Rest That Comes by Faith
The Possibilities of What If?
The Promised One
The Resurrection Certifies the Power In The Blood
The Right Tool for the Right Job
The Second Deadliest Sin
The Seeking Ones Find
The Shepherds First
The Storm Quieter
The Tomb is Empty
The Truth Will Set You Free
The Ultimate Help for Mothers
The Wise Man Knows Where to Build
The Word Became Flesh
There is a Limit
There Is a Race Marked Out For Us
They Cried Out To GOD
Things That Are Important to Jesus
Time for Adjustment
Time to Grow Up
To be Forgiven is to Forgive
Trading In the Old for the New.
Train the Next Generation
Treasure in Clay Jars
Trix are for Kids
True victory is impossible without seeing from God’s point of view.
Tuning Our Lives to Please God

Understanding the Times
Use Your Talents and Gifts
Use What God Has Given You
Using What You Have

Valuable Contents - Fragile Containers

Waiting, Trusting, and Running
Want To Make a Profit?
Wanted Dead and Alive
Watch Out!
We Are His Workmanship
We Are God’s Treasure Chests
We are Our Brothers Keeper
We Can't Make Your Own Rules
We do not serve a half-way God!
We Have Been Called to Give Thanks
We Would like to See Jesus
What Are You Planting?
What Are You Seeking?
What Brings Joy to Jesus?
What Can We Learn from Joseph?
What Controls You?
What Do You Think?
What Does God See in Me?
What Does the Lord Require?
What Does the Resurrection Mean to Me?
What Grace Teaches
What Is Really Important?
What Kind of Spirit Do You Have?
What Kind of Treasure is Stored in Your Heart?
What Lies Ahead for Us?
What's in Your Hand?
When God Says No
When You Get in Trouble, Sing!
Where Do You Get Your Council?
Where Do You Look for Answers? #1
Where Do You Look for Answers? #2
Where is Your Focus?
Which Nature?
While We Wait
Who Are You Trusting In?
Who is Holding You Up?
Who is My Family?
Who Is Your First Love?
Who was that?
Why Are you Running? Where Are You Looking?
Why Mary?
Which Door
Will He Find Faith?
Will the Stones Cry Out?
With God All Things Are Possible
Words Carelessly Spoken
Working Together

You Can Change the Soil
You Can't Become an Adult Until You Learn to be a Child!
You Can't Un-say It!
Ya Gotcher Your Ears On?
You are Important to God
You Are the Temple!
You Can't Fix a Bad Attitude
You Must Be Born Again
You Need A Rock
You'll be a Slave to Something
Your Fruit Is Showing

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